Head TA
AE 105c Aerospace Engineering (Castor1 Mission Design – II)
An indepth preliminary design for multi-agent on-orbit servicing mission, formation flying orbit design, systems engineering study and preliminary design studies.
AE 105b Aerospace Engineering (Castor1 Mission Design – I)
A graduate/undergraduate course with invited lectures on spacecraft mission design, systems engineering, quad charts, science criteria analysis, and project development for Castor1. Find more informtion about Castor here.
Head TA
AE 105c Aerospace Engineering (Spacecraft Mission Design – II)
A project-based course on novel missions exploiting multi-agent spacecraft systems. Applications for synthetic aperture radar, on-orbit servicing, and ground monitering.
AE 105b Aerospace Engineering (Systems Engineering – I)
A graduate/undergraduate course with invited lectures on spacecraft mission design, systems engineering, quad charts, science criteria analysis, and project development.
AE 105a Orbital Mechanics
A graduate course on orbital mechanics and formation flying dynamics. Covers: three-body problem, patched conic methods, orbit design for constellations, and HCW equation for formation flying.
AE 103c Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Systems
A graduate project-based course: students work on research projects involving machine-learning, motion planning, control, and estimation.
AE 103a Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Systems
A graduate course on nonlinear control and estimation techniques as applied for spacecraft and flight dynamics. Covers nonlinear control design, contraction theory, Kalman filtering, particle filtering and application to aerospace systems.
AE 353 Aerospace Control Systems
An undergrauate course on model-based control systems covering linear control design and state estimation techniques.